Innovative Building products.

Safe, Versatile, Efficent.

Carolina Building Blocks prides themselves on top notch ICF constructed homes and structures in the southeast.

"Buying a home can be the single largest investment of your life. If that home is constructed with concrete walls, your investment is naturally protected from the structural damage that can be caused by the effects of nature. As the owner of a concrete home, you'll benefit from lower annual maintenance and energy costs while living in a home that provides a secure haven for your family. "

--By ICF Direct Incorporated

Versatility by ICF Direct, Inc

"ICF houses can be completed with almost any interior and exterior finishes and can take any shape as easily as wood frame. In fact, some interesting effects, such as curved walls and frequent corners, can be less expensive to build into an ICF home. The strength of the ICF's may also allow fewer interior walls for a larger open concept space that would be possible with a conventional home. "

 ICF Safety by ICF, Inc

"When disaster threatens in the form of hurricanes, tornadoes or wild fires, your family will be safer in a home constructed with ICF walls. This strong, durable material stands up to the fury of nature...including the more subtle threats of rot, rust and termites. The standard design can withstand winds greater than 160 mph and stands up much better to "flying debris" during adverse weather conditions. In addition, the insulated concrete walls do not support combustion. "

Environmentally Friendly by ICF, Inc

"In this age of vanishing resources, we must choose our building materials more wisely, balancing the expenditure of natural resources with the benefits of a material over its useful life. Concrete draws upon some of the earth's most common and abundant minerals for its raw materials. The amount of land used to extract the materials needed to make concrete is only a fraction of that used to cut down our forests for lumber. On average home, approximately 13 trees are saved by building with Insulated concrete forms, which may not seem like a lot until you consider how many new homes are built each year."

Comfort, by ICF Inc

"Quieter: The ICF building system provides you with superior soundproofing that greatly reduces the outside noises penetrating the walls such as traffic and lawnmowers. About one-sixth as much sound gets through an ICF wall compared with an ordinary wood frame wall. With double-glazed windows in ICF walls and beefed-up roof insulation, you will rarely hear street noises or airport traffic.

Warmer: People living or working in an ICF building usually notice that it just feels more comfortable. Some of the reasons for this are less air infiltration and no convection currents within wall cavities. Why are these 2 things important? Other than virtually elimating "cold spots" and drafts, they help keep the floor to ceiling temperature difference typically less than 2 degrees. Where a conventional building may vary as much as 5 to 10 degrees from floor to ceiling. And lastly, because of the much larger mass of ICF walls prevent large temperature swings within the building, you will also have a much more even temperature while enjoying lower energy costs"

Please see our page about why ICF homes are becoming more popular for more details....